1) goodwill to fellow members of the human race,
2) the active effort to promote human welfare,
3) charitable acts or other good works that help society as a whole.
The vision for Roland Architecture was built around the principle of bringing people together in community to enhance human exchange, connection, and gathering.

Action Through Works
With a keen awareness of the inequities in the world around us, John has always had a heart to aid minorities and students without access to educational and professional resources. Putting that philosophy directly to work in the community in which he both lives and works, John recently provided aid to Gardhouse, a Charlotte, NC based nonprofit that provides paid internships, workforce development, and career journey mapping to minority college students entering the workforce. With many of these students in the architecture and engineering fields, John is invested in the wellbeing and long-term success of Gardhouse students to grow as both individuals and professionals. Because everyone deserves a level playing field.
To learn more about Gardhouse and ways you can support their efforts we invite you to visit: